Premiär för The Vampire Diaries Säsong två: 9:e september

Äntligen är det officiellt! Nu är det bekräftat att premiärdatumet av The Vampire Diaries Säsong 2 för USA är den 9:e september. Vi har EW’s Ausiello att tacka för att ha meddelat oss detta! Så det kommer inte att ta lång innan den har premiär i Sverige också!! Dessutom vill jag informera er om en ny tv serie som har premiär, Nikita, med Maggie Q och Shane West som huvudkaraktärer, jag vet dock inte säkert om Nikita kommer att börja sändas i Sverige också men vi får hoppas på det!

Thursday, Sept. 9
8:00-9:00 p.m. The Vampire Diaries (Season Premiere)
9:00-10:00 p.m. Nikita (Series Premiere)

CW Sourcies: Rösta på "Best Villain" och kolla in vem som vann "Hottest Moment"

Först och främst vill jag bara gratulera Elena och Stefan för att de vunnit CW Sourcies "Hottest Moment". Hittills har The Vampire Diaries regerat CW Sourcies 2010 och tagit hem flest priser. Sedan vill jag meddela er att någon från The Vampire Diaries har blivit nominerade till CW Sourcies "Best Villain".

Kan ni gissa vem??? Det är ingen mindre än våran egen vampyr, Katherine Pierce!!

Kolla in den här videon och gå in på The CW Source för att lägga till din  röst!

Paul Wesley anländer till Sydney, 29:e juni 2010



Paul Wesley anlände idag, den 29:e juni, till Australien. Faktum är att skådespelaren som spelar Stefan Salvatore, på The Vampire Diaries, fotograferades på flygplatsen från Sydney International i Australien.

Paul är den första att anlända till Sydney, men Nina Dobrev, Ian Somerhalder, Michael Trevino kommer såsmåningom också.

De fyra skådespelarna kommer att spendera den 3:e juli i Sydney och den 4:e i Melbourne. Under deras vistelse i Australien ska Paul, Nina, Ian och Michael på scenen en session med frågor och svar. Dessutom blir det en rad olika händelser under dagen,  såsom auktioner, raffles, osv. Fansen kommer också att ha möjligheten att köpa handelsvaror samt sällsynta samlarobjekt. Några lyckligt lottade fans kommer dessutom få chansen att träffa Paul och gänget och få autografer och professionella tagna foton.  

Vampire Diaries Spoiler - New Baddie in Mystic Falls - Keck's exclusives

Det ser ut som att vi kommer att få se en till Lockwood i Mystic Falls nästa säsong.
Kolla in det här!

We never learned exactly what the evil Mayor Lockwood (Robert Pralgo) was (vampire? werewolf? smoke monster?) before he lost his life in a burning basement in The Vampire Diaries season finale. But we may find out thanks to a mysterious new arrival headed to Mystic Falls.

“Our big new addition is Mason Lockwood, the mayor’s much younger and cooler brother, who has been estranged from the family,” says executive producer Julie Plec. “His return introduces a lot of questions about what is so special about that creepy Lockwood family.” My guess: they were unicorns with wooden vampire-killing horns.

Nina, Paul och Ian nominerade för Breakout stars på E! Online Tater Tops

Eric Stonestreet, Modern Family, Ellie Kemper, The Office, Nina Dobrev, Vampire Diaries, Lea Michele, Glee, Jesse Williams, Grey's Anatomy

Som vi alla vet har The Vampire Diaries varit en stor succé och det har skådespelarna också varit. Nina Dobrev, Paul Wesley och Ian Somerhalder har gjort ett stort intryck på oss och för det har de blivit nominerade till Breakout stars på E! Online Tater Tops.

Från och med idag kan man rösta på vinnaren av 2010 Tater Top Awards. Endast nomineringar som folk skickar in kommer att bli registrerade, så om ni vill att Nina, Paul eller Ian är värdiga av priset så är det upp till er att rösta på dem.

Man kommer att kunna rösta tills den 20: juli då vinnarna kommer att tillkännages.  

Rösta här:


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Ian Somerhalder Photoshoot


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"When I was 17" med Sara Canning

Where did you grow up?
I spent my childhood in Newfoundland and then my junior high and high school years in Alberta, Canada.

Were you a good student? Did you like school?
I was a really good student. I was nerdy and ambitious. I was involved with every large theater production at my school.

What was the worst popular trend when you were going to school?
I remember being in 9th grade and people wore pajamas to school. That was really weird.

Did you have a quote in your high school yearbook? If so, what was it?
I did. It’s from a Sam Roberts song. I think it went, “Stay true to your friends ’cause they’ll save you in the end.”

What is the craziest thing you ever did to get a guy to notice you?
I don’t have a lot of those crazy moments, but I kissed my ex first, so that was a big deal because I never make the first move.

What was your after-school job?
My first job ever was working a ski lift when I was 16. I also worked at a garden center, which I loved. I did that for two and a half years.

What was your style when you were 17? Now?
I wore jeans and old classic-rock T-shirts like ACDC, Led Zeppelin. I hung out with guys in bands, and that’s what I loved too. I think I’m much more girly now. I was a big tomboy. I still am a tomboy, but I balance it out now.

What kind of clique were you in back then? Now?
I wasn’t really in one. I mean I had a group of friends I hung out with, but I guess I was part of the musical theater crowd.

What nicknames did you have back then? Now?
Everyone has always called me by my last name. Once people get to know me, they don’t call me Sara anymore.

What were your hobbies back then?
I figure skated until I was 16, but that was my life besides theater. I did theater and skated six days a week.

Who was your best friend? Is she still your best friend now?
I have three best friends. They were my high school best friends and their names are Becky, Jessie, and Melissa, and they remain some of my best friends today. They are really great people.

What did you worry about back then? Now?
I was doing so many things in high school that I didn’t really have time to worry. Now I never do things without thinking them through because the game changes when you’re in the public eye.

What was your high school boyfriend like? What is your boyfriend/guy you’d want to date like now?
He was very sweet and we broke up, and now we talk and hang out whenever I go home. I do have a boyfriend now. He’s great!

What advice did your parents give you when you were 17? Now?
They pushed me in a positive way to be 100 percent in everything that I do. I think that’s why I am where I am right now. Now I think they’re like, “Chill out. Take a break.”

What advice would you give your 17-year-old self?
I didn’t realize when I was 17 that I could really make myself happy, so I would tell her, “You know what’s best for you, and you know what will make you happy.”

Coup De Main Magazine’s intervju med Ian Somerhalder: “Damon controls life; life doesn’t control him.”

Coup De Main Magazine’s gjorde igår en väldigt bra intervju med Ian Somerhalder så jag tänkte lägga upp den här för er. I intervjun berättar Ian bland annat om hur det är att jobba i The Vampire Diaries, om sin karaktär Damon i serien, om hur han fick rollen som Damon och massor med andra saker.

Här är intervju, läs och tyck till! 

What is ‘The Vampire Diaries’ all about?
IAN SOMERHALDER: ‘The Vampire Diaries’ is a story about two vampire brothers and a girl they were both in love with many, many years ago, way back in time. My character Damon feels like he was wronged by his brother over a century ago and is extraordinarily upset, so my brother Stefan and myself have been feuding for about 145 years. Also, the one brother Stefan has decided to stop feasting on people and that makes being a vampire very boring, so we have split as brothers. So Stefan turns up in this town where we are from and where we were turned into vampires, and he gets settled, finds a girl, starts to feel something, finally, and then I inexorably as always show up to remind him that I want to make his life a living hell. And again we end up in a very interesting love triangle with a beautiful mortal girl, Elena.

Your character has more power than his, it looks like Damon can really kick Stefan’s ass. Will it ever
be a fair fight between these two?

SOMERHALDER: There are a couple of factors that create the reason why there’s an imbalance of power. One of them is the fact that you have to feed as a vampire and I deliberately decided to not stop feeding on people and the problem with that is, it makes it invariably difficult for him to take him out because there’s an imbalance of power. In the vampire world, if you eat people you have unbelievable amounts of power. If you eat squirrels and bunnies and rats because you don’t want to kill people, it makes you pretty weak. Stefan doesn’t have the strength that I have, so until he decides to start feeding on people I will have the ability to kick his ass. But when that changes it’s going to be a problem because look how strong Paul is!

We’re really used to seeing you as quite a sweet character on ‘Lost’ and now you’re bad. Is that fun?

It is! You know why? Because bad guys have fun. That’s the whole point, that’s what’s so great about it. And I think what’s really the allure of these types of roles is that you don’t have to take yourself so seriously. That is fun. On ‘Lost’, Boone was just… I mean, poor guy, bless his heart. He just never really had time to grow as a character, unfortunately. But this guy, Damon, he controls life; life doesn’t control him. Except for the fact that it does stop him sometimes and makes him work a little harder. But Damon has, you know, an immense amount of power, especially playing a vampire, you relinquish all of those mortal restraints. I have immense amount[s] of powers. I have mind manipulation powers; I can look at you and make you think what I want. I mean, come on, how cool is that? That comes in handy. But also when stuff like that doesn’t work, which is very rare, it throws him. The thing is about Stefan is, imagine being 175 years old and the one thing you had in your life, the love of your life was taken away from you? And you feel as if you were wronged in such a way that you have a vendetta of 145 years. Basically I promised my brother that I am going to make his life miserable for eternity. So Damon literally feels as if he’s just keeping a promise. And so when someone really believes in what they’re doing, that’s what’s so great about bad guys. That’s why we like bad guys, because they’re fun. Do you know what I mean? They’re fun and they do what they want.

Why do girls like bad guys?

Girls like bad guys just as much as guys like bad girls because bad guys don’t give a shit. They don’t care.

We like that!

Exactly. They do what they want and they have fun doing it and so I think that there is an allure to a guy who says: “I’m gonna do whatever the hell I want and I’m gonna have a blast doing it and there is not a damn thing you can do about it.” And I think that that power – you know, we’re attracted to power. It’s not even power, we’re attracted to confidence, we’re attracted to someone who knows what they want and how to get it. And this guy is the epitome of that. I mean, he knows what he wants and he definitely gets it.

So you are playing a bad guy vampire heartthrob!
I don’t know about the heartthrob part! He definitely has fun but the problem is he has fun as he hurts people. So Damon is a little mean sometimes.

Can you identify with him?

I can’t identify with wanting to hurt people, but what I can identify with is that he does things out of loneliness. Imagine you are cast away as an immortal for an eternity and the one person you have is your brother and you can no longer be around him, you fight so much because you’re not the same any more, he stopped feeding on people so he lost all of his powers, so it’s kind of impossible to hang out with him and Damon does a lot of what he does out of pure loneliness. Being lonely drives you to do some really crazy stuff.

Will he ever show a good side to his character over the season?

Absolutely. He is fiercely loyal and I think that’s the beauty of it. There’s a lot of edge and heaviness but also a lot of levity. He may sound like a negative character but there’s so much comedy. Bad guys love to have fun, that’s why they do what they do. And I think that levity is a lot of fun to play. It’s going in and out of finding bits of humanity and I look forward to playing that. I think Damon is going to be a lot of fun to play. I’ve just read the new episode last night. It’s awesome, it’s compelling, it’s fast. And I am vicious, vicious, vicious! But yet you start to find…

Some redeeming qualities in him?

Maybe. I think there are some twists and turns that really add to the dynamics of this whole situation and it’s great. I mean, we’re really excited.

How was the audition process for you?

Getting these roles for each and every one of us was extraordinarily horrible. Julie and Kevin fought tooth and nail for us. Nobody wanted me! But the process of starting a television show you go to meetings after meetings, I got to the network and bombed it and almost didn’t go back. Those guys [Julie and Kevin] really got me back in the room, but the process was intense and playing this kind of role, there’s an ease to it and you get into these situations in these rooms with these networks and it’s really a high stakes environment and if you, for some reason, get nervous, drink too much coffee, take too much B12, guess what? Your energy level skyrockets and you sort of get out of your rhythm and it’s really heart-breaking to find something that you know in the deepest deep of your soul that you can play and you kind of blow it. So that was an amazing ride and I went through it with those guys, we went through it together and to now have this kind of role which is so fun and dynamic, it’s a blast!

There are a lot of theories of how you can kill a vampire…

Well, yeah, but with these guys not very many of those traditional ways of killing a vampire work. We have these lapis stone rings that allow us to go in the sun. I mean, look at me, I’m tanned. Damon likes going to the Virgin Islands, you know what I mean? It’s like, why not? I can’t wait, I’m going to pitch that idea to Kevin. “God, we should do this episode where it cuts to Damon, but he’s on a beach in the Caribbean for a couple of episodes.” No, but errr… obviously there’s garlic, a silver bullet – but I don’t think any of those work on these guys. Except for if you take off your ring and you walk into the sun, you’re toast.  But a stake through the heart is always a big problem for a vampire. Always problematic – stakes in the heart. But not garlic, no.

That’s just a turn-off anyway!

I love garlic. What other ways are there?

In Mexico there is a traditional old fighter, el Santo, a guy with a mask, who used to kill vampires with silver bullets.

Yeah, silver bullets. I mean, these guys we heal immediately. Like you can’t drop a guy out of an airplane, you can’t throw him off a building, you can’t cut his head off. So it’s a bitch to kill a vampire, especially us.

How is ‘The Vampire Diaries’ different to ‘Twilight’?

I would say in the realm of there’s a certain edge to this show and that by virtue of that edge, it adds a whole other layer of intensity. It’s obviously shot much differently, but yes there are similarities and we’re very happy ‘Twilight’ exists. These books are a bit older than ‘Twilight’. ‘Twilight’ has been happening once a year and this happens once a week – that may prove to be helpful and successful.

Are you ready for the kind of attention you’re going to get because vampires are very, very popular at the moment? I was talking to Stephen Moyer from ‘True Blood’ and he was saying that women come up to him and ask him to bite them.

That’s pretty cool. <laughs> That’s pretty cool.

There is going to be a lot of attention on you…

You know what? I live in Georgia.

Not quite Hawaii?

No, it’s not even that. Hawaii was great too because we were so detached from it all, you know? I’m actually very thankful that we’re shooting in a place that is not a big city like Los Angeles or New York. I mean, Atlanta, excuse me, don’t get me wrong, it’s a huge city. But you can be really isolated there. I can spend a lot of time in the country. I can also fly home to be with my family all the time. I can go fishing in the Florida Keys. I can just disappear and it’s quick. I mean, that attention is all very cool. I think that vampires are huge right now and, you know, you welcome that. It’s always so fun to have a great job. We’re so lucky to have this show. Kevin is like crazy genius. Kevin and Julie and Marcos Siega, who directed the pilot and is directing a bunch of episodes, who is our supervising producer, he’s living in Atlanta with us, overseeing everything. So you know, it’s like you have this powerhouse of genius minds working around the clock. These guys are working their asses off and so are we. I mean, I just flew in here for the day. I haven’t slept in two days…

You are a vampire now.

I am. I feel like a vampire.

Fem heta hemligheter om The Vampire Diaries!

Ted Casablanca hann ikapp med Cadice Accola och Steven R. McQueen bakom kulisserna där de berättade några hemligheter om rollbesättningen, inklusive vem det är som skapar trubbel på kulisserna!

Här är några av hemisarna och resten finns på

They still get starstruck.

Accola's intimidated by iconic women, none more so than Diane Keaton. "I had the opportunity to meet her on the way to the pilot," she says. "She sat behind Kayla [Ewell] and I on the airplane. I was all ready to say, 'You are an inspiration to young women everywhere!' and all that came out was, 'You are, like, awesome!' Ha. That's how suave I get."

They like other vampires.

"I've been on a True Blood kick," says Accola, who also plans to see Eclipse when she and the other girls reconvene in Atlanta in July to begin filming. "Definitely by the time we get back."

Meanwhile, McQueen is a fervent Team Edward supporter.

"Vampires are just cool, you know?" he says, adding. "They just have some sort of rebel authority that's kind of cool."

They're humble.

Like many young stars today, they remember where they come from.

"I was working in an ice rink before all this," laughs McQueen. "Work became not only a gift, but therapeutic as well...the entire experience has been a blessing." Accola agrees. "It's amazing," she says. "It's just wonderful that everyone's enjoying watching it as much as we are making it."

They cause trouble on set.

"We're constantly doing pranks, most of which I can't talk about 'cause they're kind of, you know, mum's the word sort of things," says McQueen.

Accola's adds: "We don't really joke around too much because it's a lot to do in a little amount of time, but biggest troublemaker? Nina, for sure. She's the sneakiest."

They kinda, sorta, don't really, or do they, hook up.

Both kids braced the question of on-set romance with enough hesitation and nervous laughter to make us double-take.

"I'm sure by the end of all these seasons, everyone's gonna say that we've all dated each other," says Accola. When asked about Nina and Ian's rumored romance, McQueen said, "I wish I knew." When asked about Nina and himself, he said, "I wish I knew."

Flera TCA nominationer för The Vampire Diaries

The Teen Choice Awards har nu lagt till några fler kategorier till TV sektionen för nomineringar och The Vampire Diaries och hela ensemblen är nominerade åter igen! Här är de nya kategorier!  Rösta här nu!

-Breakout Show – The Vampire Diaries (up against Community, Life Unexpected, Modern Family, Victorious)

-Breakout Star Female – Nina Dobrev (up against Bridget Mindler, Dianna Argon, Mae Whitman, Sarah Hylnad)

-Breakout Star Male – Paul Wesley (up against Ken Joeng, Kevin McHale, Marc Salling, Rico Rodriguez)

-Scene Stealer Female – Katerina Graham (Amber Riley, Bethany Joe Galeotti, Hillary Duff, Shenae Grimes)

Och dessa andra kategorier kan du fortfarande rösta på varje dag!

/Sci-Fi – The Vampire Diaries (up against Fringe, Lost, Smallville, Supernatural)

-Fantasy/Sci-Fi Actor – Paul Wesley (up against Josh Holloway, Joshua Jackson, Ryan Kwanten, Tom Welling)

-Fantasy/Sci-Fi Actress – Nina Dobrev (up against Anna Paquin, Anna Torv, Evangeline Lilly, Hayden Panettiere)

-Villain – Ian Somerhalder (up against Russell Hanz, Jane Lynch, Ed Westwick, Terry O’Quinn)

Säsong 2 spoilers

Här har ni det alldeles senaste scoopet! Kolla in dessa exclusiva nyheterna om säsong 2 av The Vampire Diaries.

Elena och Kathrine:
-“I can’t talk much about it yet,” says executive producer Julie Plec, “but one of the big surprises is that Katherine comes face to face with Elena.” (Det låter som om att Stefan och Damon kommer att hamna i STORT trubbel!)

John (Elenas biologiska pappa):
Though in last month’s Vampire Diaries cliffhanger Elena’s doppelganger brutally attacked John, his portrayer, David Anders, confirms that he’ll be back for the season premiere. And beyond that?


“That’s up in the air right now,” he says. “They haven’t picked up [my] option yet. I feel like the character has a lot of legs and you can go in many different directions with him. But ultimately it’s [executive producer] Kevin Williamson’s choice.”

Although on paper the odds of John surviving would appear slim — the dude got his fingers chopped off and took a blade to the gut — Anders reminds fans, “People don’t always die from knife wounds.”


Ian Somerhalder jobbar för att göra kulisserna på The Vampire Diaries grönare

Under en lång period har vi vetat att Ian Somerhalder har jobbat för att göra världen grönare, nu jobbar han med att få kulisserna på The Vampire Diaries. Det är så härligt att få se att Ian är så jordnära fast han är en kändis.

Här är två artiklar som Carina Mackenzie från
Zap2It har skrivit, inklusive en med Sofia Bush och Austin Nichols från One Tree Hill som handlar om var de upptäckte i Mexikanska Golf kusten när de besökte den förra veckan. 

Oil in the Gulf: Ian Somerhalder says ‘this disaster is the game changer’

CW stars Ian Somerhalder, Sophia Bush, Austin Nichols on Gulf Oil Disaster: We’re enraged!

Här är en intervju som hon har gjort med Ian Somerhalder, här partar han om hur han kommer att jobba med ett nytt mobil elbolag för att göra The Vampire Diaries kulisserna grönare.

To do his part, Somerhalder has joined forces with Go Green Mobile Power. “You’re the first person I’m telling this,” he shares. “I just became involved with a very strong green energy company that produces portable, mobile green power. The company’s called Go Green Mobile Power. Our first prototype is going to be done in a few days.”

Go Green Mobile Power will create portable solar/wind/biodiesel generators for use in the film and event industry (as well as other arenas), to replace the off-grid dirty energy that’s traditionally used on location.

“It takes a lot of power to run a movie set. We go through a lot of fuel,” Somerhalder says. “It’s harmful, and we can start changing that a little bit. We can get rid of these noisy, stinky, disgusting gas generators. There’s going to be a lot of thought that goes into this revolution that’s going to happen.”

“We’re dealing with California Transportation Department, we’re dealing with the Department of Defense, we’re dealing with disaster relief — but we’re also dealing with the entertainment industry. We’ll be taking major productions green, like big concerts and music festivals. Greening the ‘Vampire Diaries’ set is a priority for me, which we’re going to be doing this year.”

Read the rest of the interview.


Candice Accola Questionnaire

Katerina Graham är med i Honey 2

För ett par veckor sedan twittrade Kat om att hon ska vara med i filmen, Honey 2. Hon har twittrat för fullt från kulisserna och vi får bara hoppas på att hon kommer att lägga upp några bilder! Kolla in den här artikeln från Black Voices och den fullständiga beskrivningen nedan. Lägg extra uppmärksamhet på efternamnet på hennes karaktär. 

The legacy of legendary dancer and choreographer Honey Daniels lives on in spirited 17-year-old Maria Bennett (Graham). After a brush with the law, Maria has returned to her gritty Bronx roots to rebuild her life with nothing but a talent for street dance and a burning ambition to prove herself. She finds refuge in the place that made her feel most alive as kid: the rec center where Honey’s exuberant classes ignited her passion for dance.

Keeping on the straight and narrow means living with her mom, Connie, and holding down a job just to make ends meet. But a rare night out at a local dance club gives her an opportunity to let loose with a joy and energy she had almost forgotten. Maria’s killer moves catch the eye of Brandon, a rec center volunteer who invites her to help him transform a group of gifted but undisciplined dancers called the HDs.

Maria’s skills also attract the attention of her old boyfriend, Luis, the charismatic leader of the award-winning 718 dance crew. Luis hopes to lure Maria back into the street world she is trying to escape, but seeing a chance to create a new and meaningful life, Maria pours her heart and soul into dance and begins training the HDs to compete on a TV dance competition. That means going up against the 718s and Luis. Like Honey before her, Maria rediscovers the thrill of dancing as she finds out who she truly is and where she belongs.

Why we love Damon!

This video here says it all, or does it?


Ian Somerhalder deltar i Telethon for the Gulf

För några dagar sedan så deltog Ian Somerhalder och många andra kändisar i Larry King's 2 timmar Telethon: "Disaster in the Gulf: How you can help". The Telethon samlade in över 1.3 miljoner dollar den kvällen, men man kan fortfarande donera till fonden. 

Här är några bilder av Ian när han är med och en video från CNN. 

Candice Accola väcker medvetandet om Borrelia och intervjuas av The Global Townhall

Under en lång tid så har Candice Accola jobbat för att väcka medvetandet om borrelia och i intervjun pratar hon just om det.

Gabrielle från The Global Townhall hann ikapp med Candice Accola nyligen. Kolla in denna korta intervju. Här berättar Candice om sitt livs filosofi och ger råd om hur man bygger en framgångsrik karriär. Hon berättar också om sin medverkan med Turn the Corner, en stiftelse som stödjer medvetandegörande och utbildningen av  borrelia.  

Gabrielle Reilly:  What is one of your favorite life philosophies that may inspire our readers?

Candice Accola: No doesn’t mean never, it just means not yet. Visualize what you want to accomplish and work like hell to get it.

Gabrielle Reilly:  What advice can you offer for building such a successful career?

Candice Accola: Know what you want. Don’t compare your accomplishments or failures to your competition and know that careers are built differently for everyone.

Gabrielle Reilly:  You have become very passionate about Turn the Corner Foundation.  Can you tell us about that?

Candice Accola: A very dear childhood friend got very sick and after years of frustration and misdiagnosis, she found out she had Lyme disease. I’m embarrassed to say I’d never heard of Lyme and after hearing it’s conceived from a tick bite I thought it’d be an easy treatment process. Boy was I wrong! When I think of all the components of this complex disease, the treatments and the political separation within the medical community revolving around Lyme, I am still shocked.


I decided that I had to help. I couldn’t sit idly by and hear any more gut wrenching stories of individuals, couples and families who’d been misdiagnosed and thus treated for the wrong disease in the same fashion my friend and her family were misled.
My friend’s mother introduced me to Turn the Corner. I was so impressed with their documentary, Under Our Skin and their Physicians Training Program that I knew I had found a great organization to lend my voice to. It’s a new partnership, but I could not be more excited to be working with them in order to increase awareness and continue my own education on Lyme.
Read the rest of the Q&A.


Kat Graham släpper ut sin första officiella låt på iTunes - Sassy


Sassy - Single, Kat Graham


Stora gratulationer till den begåvade Katerina Graham! Hennes första officiella låt, "Sassy" släpptes ut på iTunes för några dagar sedan och Twitter översvämmar med fans som twittrar om låten! Gå till iTunes och lyssna på låten! 

Katerina Graham - Sassy

Förboka säsong 1

 Hej alla vamp fans! Nu går det att förboka säsong 1 av The Vampire Diaries.

Länk till beställningssidan:                                                                         

Glad Midsommar!

Hej alla! Jag ville bara önska er en glad midsommar och ha det så trevligt! :D


Favorit scen från Vampire Diaries!

Hej alla! Det är jag, jag gick in för att blogga idag och såg att jag hade fått nya kommentarer och blev så otroligt glad. Fortsätt gärna att kommentera det jag bloggar om, jag gillar alla kommentarer ni har lämnat och det gör bloggandet ännu roligare, så fortsätt! :D

Sen vill jag få reda på vad er favorit scen från Vampire Diaries är. Min är när Damon dansar med Elena på Miss Mystic Falls i avsnitt 18 "Under Control". Jag gillar hur Damon kommer och räddar Elena, det visar att han verkligen älskar henne och att han skulle göra allt för sin kära, han ställde upp för henne när ingen annan gjorde det och i detta fall var det Stefan som inte ställde upp för Elena. Jag tyckte att den scenen var mer passionerad, älskvärd och intim scen än den Elena och Stefan hade i avsnitt 10 "The turning point".

Eller, vad tycker ni??

Skulle vi inte alla vilja he en räddare i nöden som Damon?

Let the right one in - musik

Class Actress
- "Let Me Take You Out" 
The Morning Benders - "I Was Wrong" 
The Silent League - "Resignation Studies" 
The Black Angels - "Young Men Dead" 
Lights On - "Boy" 
Systems Officer - "East" 
Black Rebel Motorcycle Club - "Conscience Killer" 
Sounds Under Radio - "All You Wanted " 

There goes the neighborhood

- "Better Than This" 
CloudHead - "In-Flight Safety" 
Tegan and Sara - "The Ocean" 
Marianas Trench - "Cross My Heart" 
The Constellations - "Perfect Day"
In-Flight Safety - "Crash/Land" 
Erin McCarley - "Love Sick Mistake"
Parachute - "The Mess I Made"

A few good men - musik

- "Black Hearts (On Fire)" 
Sounds Under Radio - "Portrait of a Summer Thief" 
Free Energy - "Something in Common" 
Sweet Thing - "Winter Night" 
Above the Golden State - "Real You" 
Sound Team - "Your Eyes Are Liars" 

Fool me once - musik

Oh Mercy
- "Can't Fight It"
Earlimart - "Before It Gets Better" 
The Soft Pack - "Answer To Yourself" 
Tokyo Police Club - "In A Cave" 
U.S. Royalty - "Every Summer" 
The Steps - "Out Tonight"
Black Rebel Motorcycle Club - "All You Do Is Talk" 
Leona Lewis - "Run" 

Childeren of the Damned - musik

Kate Earl
- "When You're Ready" 
Surfer Blood - "Floating Vibes" 
Elefant - "Goodbye"
Experimental Aircraft - "Stellar"

Unpleasantville - musik

We Barbarians
- "There's This There's That" 
Systems Officer - "Pacer" 
The Misfits - "This Magic Moment" 
Rogue Wave - "Everyday" 
Jeff Scott - "Dreams Are For The Lucky"
U.S. Royalty - "Keep It Cool" 
The Misfits - "Runaway" 
AutoVaughn - "Everybody" 
Jocko Marcellino - "Slow Dance"
The Misfits - "Great Balls Of Fire" 
The Raveonettes - "My Boyfriend's Back" 
St Leonards - "Now That We've Grown" 
Oranger - "Mr. Sandman"

Bloodlines - musik

Florence and the Machine
- "Cosmic Love" 
Editors - "An End Has A Start" 
The Dandelions - "On A Mission" 
Black Mustang - "Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea"
The Black Hollies - "Can't Stop These Tears (From Falling)" 
Hope Sandoval and the Warm Inventions - "Trouble" 
The Steps - "Push" 
The Upsidedown - "Pepper Spray" 
The Stereotypes - "The Night Before" 
The Dig - "Look Inside" 
Alex Band - "Only One"
Julian Casablancas - "Out Of The Blue" 
The Bell - "Nothing Is Logical" 

The turning point - musik

Five for Fighting - "Chances" 
Telekinesis - "Coast Of Carolina " 
The Features - "Off Track" 
Plumb - "Cut" 
Tyrone Wells - "This is Beautiful" 

History repeating

Echo and The Bunnymen
- "Think I Need It Too" 
Pablo Sebastian - "Lies"
Idlewild - "Post-Electric"
The Bravery - "The Spectator"
Great Northern - "Houses" 
Barcelona - "Come Back When You Can"

162 candles - musik

The Birthday Massacre
- "Happy Birthday" 
Pete Yorn - "Thinking Of You" 
Tiesto - "Feel It In My Bones" 
Tiesto - "Escape Me" 
Telekinesis - "Tokyo" 
Fauxliage - "All the World" 
The Black Box Revelation - "Love in Your Head"
Switchfoot - "Yet"


Haunted - musik

Gary Go
- "Open Arms" 
Final Flash - "Fading Light "
The Sounds - "No One Sleeps When I'm Awake" 
White Lies - "To Lose My Life" 
The Longcut - "Open Hearts" 
The DoDos - "Time To Die" 
Bat for Lashes - "Sleep Alone" 
Sanders Bohlke - "The Weight of Us" 

Lost Girls - musik

Green Day
- "21 Guns" 
Jason Walker - "Down"
Anberlin - "Enjoy the Silence" 
The Temper Trap - "Fader"
A Fine Frenzy - "Stood Up" 
Editors - "Weight of the World" 

You're undead to me - musik

Imogen Heap - "Wait It Out" 
S.O.Stereo - "When A Heart Breaks"
Howie Day - "Be There" 
3OH!3 - "Don't Trust Me" 
Gabriella Cilmi - "Save The Lies" 
Anjulie - "Boom" 
Mads Langer - "Beauty Of The Dark"

Family Ties - musik

Union Of Knives
- "Opposite Direction"

Santigold - "I'm a Lady"

Carolina Liar - "I'm Not Over"

Thievery Corporation - "Shadows Of Ourselves"

VV Brown - "Back in Time"

Matt Nathanson - "All We Are"

Viva Voce - "Believer"

Friay night bites - musik

The Bravery
- "Slow Poison"

Darker My Love - "Blue Day"

3OH!3 - "Starstrukk"

Black Keys - "Strange Time"

Sea Wolf - "You're a Wolf"

Moby - "Temptation"

The Airborne Toxic Event - "Papillon"

Night of the comet - musik

- "Help I'm Alive" 

Mat Kearney - "Closer to Love" 

The Dead Weather - "Hang You From The Heavens"

The Gossip - "Heavy Cross"

Neko Case - "I'm An Animal"

Dragonette - "I Get Around"

Sara Bareilles - "Gravity"

Pilot - musik

Silversun Pickups
- "Sort Of"
Mat Kearney - "Here We Go" 
The Raconteurs - "Consoler of the Lonely" 
OneRepublic - "Say (All I Need)" 
Katy Perry - "Thinking of You" 
MGMT - "Kids"
Placebo - "Running Up the Hill" 
White Lies - "Death" 
The All-American Rejects - "Back to Me" 
The Fray - "Never Say Never" 
Bat for Lashes - "Siren Song" 


Vampire Diaries säsong 2 - PREMIÄR SEPTEMBER 2010

Hej alla Vampire Diaries fans jag har nu glada nyheter att dela med mig. Den nya säsongen av The Vampire Diaries kommer att börja sändas i september detta är i USA, så jag är inte exakt säker om den börjar vid samma tillfälle, men vi har i alla fall något att se fram emot.

Katerina Graham med i Justin Beiber musikvideo

Katerina Graham är en talangfull människa, en av hennes otroliga talanger är att dansa. Nu så är hon med i Justin Biebers musikvideo som dansare. Hon dyker upp tydlig i videon då vi får se henne i ca 2 minuter.

Kolla in musikvideon här!

Ian Somerhalder är med i The Host?

Charmerande Ian, ska spela Ian O'Shea?

En rykande ny nyhet om att Ian Somerhalder kommer att få spela Ian O'Shea i The Host. The Host (genom dina ögon) är ännu en bok skriven av Stephanie Meyer dock tillhör den inte till Twilight- serien. Ian är den enda som är listad som rollmedlem i "IMDB", vi får bara se och vänta om vem som får de andra rollerna.

OBS! Detta är endast ett rykte.

Nina Dobrev värd för Much Music Video Awards

Hej alla! Nya nyheter om Nina!  

Söndagen den 20:e var Nina dobrev värd för Much Mucis Video Awards. Much Music Video Award är en kanadensiskt nätverk. Much Music Video Awards sänds även live på FUSE, detta gäller dock bara de som bor i USA, om man bor på en annan del av världen så sänds den även på de flesta kabel och satellit TV.



Tjena alla där ute! Det senaste är det att Nina Dobrev, Paul Wesley och Ian Somerhalder är nominerad för sina roller i The Vampire Diaries. Nina är nominerad för hennes roll som Elena Gilbert, Paul för rollen som Stefan Salvatore och Ian för rollen som Stefans "onda" bror Damon.

Se nu till att börja rösta, de förtjänar verkligen priset så gör det rätta. Jag har själv röstat för dem och det enda man behöver göra är att skapa ett eget konto och rösta. Man kan rösta varje dag och desto mer man röstar så är chansen större att de vinner.


Länk till TCA:

Kram Kram!

Behind the scenes med - The Vampire Diaries!

Här är ett annat roligt klipp med Nina Dobrev, Paul Wesley och Ian Somerhalder. Titta och Njut!

Varma Kramar!! :)

Rolig intervju på The 5:19 Show

Hej kära bloggläsare! Här har en av de mest roligaste intervjuerna som jag har hittat. Här sitter Nina Dobrev, Paul Wesley och Ian Somerhalder och intervjuas av The 5:19 Show. Kollan in intervjun! Enjoy! 

Varma Kramar!

Team Elena/ Kathrine

Tjena alla! Idag är en solig och härlig dag och helt plötsligt från ingenstans fick jag en snille idé (haha! tycker jag i alla fall)!

Vi har ju hört talas om alla Vampyr Teams som det finns där ute, "TEAM JACOB", "TEAM EDWARD", "TEAM STEFAN", "TEAM DAMON", "TEAM ANNA" och många andra. Så vad jag tycker att vi ska göra är att skapa "TEAM ELENA/KATHRINE", kill vampyrerna har varit dominanta men inte nu längre!

Vad jag vill göra är at vi alla kan göra videon eller ta bilder där det står "TEAM ELENA/KATHRINE" så alla ni som medtycker med mig gör detta och skicka bilden eller videon till Nina Dobrev.

Själv har jag bestämt mig för att ta en bild och skicka den, jag kommer att posta bilden lite senare så håll ut ögonen för den.

Adress till Nina Dobrev:   
The Vampire Diaries 
c/o The CW Network
3300 W. Olive Ave.
Burbank, CA 91502

Varma Kramar!

Team Anna

Hej alla där ute! Jag tycker att det är grymt bra att Malese Jow, skådespelerskan som spelar Anna, har skapat Team Anna. För att officiellt skapa "TEAM ANNA" så bad hon fans att skicka in bilder eller en video där det någonstans stod "TEAM ANNA". Själv deltog jag och skickade en bild på mig själv där det stod "TEAM ANNA" på, den finns tyvärr inte med på videon. :(

Men no hard feelings! :) Här är en video som hon och andra från The Vampire Diaries serien har satt ihop med olika bilder och videon som folk har skickat in. Den är så rolig att kolla på, så ta en titt! 


Länk till videon "TEAM ANNA":

Varma Kramar!

Fakta om The Vampire Diaries

Hej alla där! Jo jag märkte att det kanske skulle vara en bra idé om jag började skriva lite info om The Vampire Diaries då och då.

Här är adressen till The Vampire Diaries:
The Vampire Diaries (eller Nina Dobrev, Paul Wesley – eller vem ni än vill skicka den till)
c/o The CW Network
3300 W. Olive Ave.
Burbank, CA 91502

Nina Dobrev poserar för Jezebel

Nina Dobrev in June 2010 issue of Jezebel MagazineNina Dobrev
 poserar för Juni 2010 omslaget för tidningen Jezebel, Atlantas största livsstilsmagasin. Det finns två nya bilder som medföljer intervjun på internet. Här har jag lagt upp en bild som ni kan se och den andra finns på Jezebels hemsida. I intervjun disskuterar de om Ninas karriär hittills, hur hon fick rollen som Elena i The Vampire Diaries och alla Atlantas heta ställen som hon älskar.

JEZ: Which do you enjoy more, being fought over by two hunky vampires or getting to play two different roles?

ND: I love getting to play two roles, because one is such a sweet, nice girl and the other is this crazy, conniving, narcissistic vampire killer. That’s an opportunity that rarely happens on one show. I’ve played nice girls before–Mia Jones of “Degrassi” was a nice girl–but Katherine has an edge to her that I haven’t had a chance to play before, so it’s a challenge that keeps things fresh and exciting.

Länk till Jexebels hemsida:

The Vampire Diaries - Spoilers Säsong 2 - Intervju med Elena, Stefan och Ian + Monte Carlo Film Festival 2010

Här är några videoklipp med spoilers om säsong 2 på The Vampire Diaries. Kolla in dem och kommerntera om ni vill! Tack!

Här är The Vampire Diaries stjärnorna på röda mattan under Festival TV Monte Carlo.

                                                       Ian, Nina och Paul

                                                     Ian, Nina och Paul

                                                    Ian, Nina och Paul

                            Ian, Nina och Paul

                                                      Ian, Nina och Paul


                                                Paul, Nina och Ian





Nina, Paul och Ian på en resa till London

För skådespelarna Nina Dobrev, Paul Wesley och Ian Somerhalder från The Vampire Diaries har detta år varit ett väldigt hektiskt år. Men just nu är det tillsamans och njuter av en härlig resa i London. De har setts shoppa tillsammans och göra annat massa kul. Från vad jag ser i dessa bilder verkar de ha väldigt roligt på resan och man kan bara hoppas på att de kommer och hälsar på i Sverige någon gång.  

De två välkända heta vampyrerna tittar ut ur hotellfönstret och brevid de står Nina och kikar försiktigt ut. 

Stora och glada leenden mot kameran.

Shoppinggalna Nina, Paul och Ian.

En intervju med The Vampire Diaries gänget i This Morning Show.

Ian Somerhalder vill ha din hjälp!

Ian Somerhalder, som spelar Damon Salvatore i The Vampire Diaries, vill ha just din hjälp för att rädda pelikanerna som lever runt om i Mexikanska Golfen. Han har själv hjälp till med att rädda några pelikaner, vilket jag tycker är toppen snällt av honom. Du själv kan hjälpa till med en donation, själv kan jag inte resa till USA just nu men jag har skänkt pengar som går till att rädda just dessa utrotningshotade pelikanarter som lever där. Tänk på framtiden och donera nu, allt kan göra en förändring så se nu till att hjälpa.

För att donera kan man gå in till eller ring till 985-892-7387.

Tack för ert stöd!


A real party animal!

Nina Dobrev
, som spelar Elena i The Vampire Diaries, verkar ha det kul med sina kollegor och ser till att ta vara av varje sekund. Alla i The Vampire Diaries ser ut att ha en bra kemi med varandra både på och av serien och det är kul att alla verkar trivas så bra. Nina är en sprudlande glad tjej som klarar av både arbete och att ha kul, därför är hon en sån grymt bra föreblid för andra. GO NINA!! YAY!! 

 Nina Dobrev och de andra från VD festar loss!
The Vampires Diaries gänget festar loss ordentligt!

Vampire Diaries: Avsnitt 17 Let the Right One In!

Torsdag den 10:e
är det dags för ännu ett Awesome avsnitt av Vampire Diaries. Jag ser fram emot det och har hör att avsnittet kommer att vara fullspäckat med drama, kan inte bärga mig!! Jag är så nyfiken på vad som händer i nästa avsnitt 17, Let the Right One In.

Här är en liten sammanfattning av det kommande avsnittet:
Stefan och Damon hamnar i trubbel efter att de skaffar sig en ny fiende, Fredrick. Stefan sätts i en farlig situation då Damon och Elena är tvungna att hjälpa honom och för att kunna rädda Stefan ber Elena och Damon professorn Alaric om hjälp. De tre kämpar emot vampyrer i hopp om att kunna rädda Stefan. 

Samtidigt brottas Matt med sina egna problem och hoppas bara att hans mamma äntligen är tillbaka för gott.

Under en regnstorm går Carolines bil sönder vilket leder till att hon gör en skrämmande upptäckt som chockerar alla i Mystic Falls.

Jeremy fortsätter att försöka få Anna att göra honom till en vampyr. Anna förklarar för honom att de inte kan träffas något mer, eftersom hennes mamma förbjudit henne att träffa honom. Plötsligt inser Anna att Jeremy hade en annan baktanke till varför han ville bli en vampyr och Anna går iväg för att hon blivit sårad över att Jeremy ljugit för henne.

Stefan är svårt skadad frågan är bara om han kommer att klara det.
Kommer skadade Stefan att klara sig? 

!!!Missa inte nästa avsnitt!!

Peace out
<3<3<3<3// Vampire lover

Välkommen till min Vampire Diaries blogg!

Hej alla Vampire Diaries älskare
! Här ska jag blogga om allt från The Vampire Diaries böckerna till tv-serien. Jag har just skapat den här bloggen och kommer att börja blogga för fullt så fort jag har satt igång med att fixa till i bloggen! Jag lovar att jag kommer att ta reda på allt skvaller och allt det senaste om The Vampire Diaries, så se till att hänga med om du bara älska The Vampire Diaries! Peace out!! 

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